I'm going to just come out and say it, Kati has a lying problem. We have
discussed the fact that it is a sin and how it makes God sad and mom and dad but nothing is working. The real problem here is that she is really convincing. She lied again today, it probably wasn't even her first lie. The lie.....she hit Brendon. Now, had she just told the truth in the beginning we would have had a talk about hitting not being nice and just let it go since she doesn't have a hitting problem. Her punishment.....Three spankings, I didn't beat the girl but they were whoppers and her bum won't soon forget, 30 minutes in time out ( I know, I know, she is only
suppose to be there for three minutes) and here was the
biggie NO SESAME STREET. When I threw in that bomb the world just about stopped. Icing on the cake, I still let Bear watch it because he didn't lie to anyone. She carried on and cried for quite a while. Later I found her dancing in the hall. It turns out she was listening to the show from the hallway. She was sent to her room and she cried some more. She knows she is missing Sesame Street for the lying. Maybe this will be the thing that gets her to stop. She likes me to watch Sesame Street with her and we snuggle so I'm really being punished too. Sometimes being a good parent is no fun.