The kids and I were strolling down the cereal isle at Wal-mart when a nice looking Hispanic woman comes along side of us. She takes a long look at me and says, "No way". My mind is now frantically trying to place her face. I'm tracing as far back as high school because it wouldn't be the first time someone from high school remembered me but I didn't remember them. That's always so embarrassing.
Nope, couldn't place her and then she says, "Are you Jeff's wife?". Now I really don't know who she is. She introduces herself as Lisa from his job. It would have helped me place her if she told me what she did at his job. As far as I am concerned everyone's last name from his job is just really their job description. If she had said I'm Lisa from inventory I total would have known who she was.
She recognized our children. I can't even really remember all that we said to each other. What I took away from that conversation is that my kids dad rocks. He is such a proud papa that a woman we have never met face to face is able to recognize my children because he shows so many pictures and talks about them so often. I don't think many dads do that. What a blessing for my children. He is their biggest fan.