Monday, October 19, 2009

Bear came in while I was working on picnik and thought we should have some fun. Silly boy.

What a sweetie

"I made this for Daddy. I think I made it because I love him. I can't wait to show it to him."

I couldn't wait for you to see it either Jeffrey so here you are....
What a sweet boy.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I stepped on the scale this morning to see that I still haven't lost any more weight. Bear looks around my legs and says "Wow Mommy you are a big number. I got on that thing and I was a big boy number but your number is a lot bigger than mine."

Thanks buddy.

Monday, October 5, 2009

All morning long Bear went on and on about how pretty he thought I was. He made comment after comment about what I was wearing and the way I looked. He quieted down for a little while. I dropped Kati off at school and got back in the car and he started up again...
"Momma you just look so pretty. I think you look so pretty that when you get to work no one is going to know who y0u are!"


Sunday, October 4, 2009

My Bear

Momma, do the policemen have to eat the bad guys?


Do they have to eat the bad guys?

No buddy. They aren't cannibals, they don't eat bad guys. Why would you think that?

You said we can't shoot anything unless we were gonna eat it.