Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My angel-love

God doesn't make 'em any more beautiful.

My Bear

Brendon is just talking up a storm. Everyday he is saying new things. Now I do have to say you all probably wouldn't understand him. But since I stay home I speak "Bearwa- nees" and I have to give credit to Jeffrey too, he does really well. Kati translates for us some times, but I think somebody ought to check her credentials because things always seem to turn out in her favor. Just last night he said "Excuse me". I was so proud. He spoke a new word and he used manners. What a big boy. He is still stubborn as all get out, but if you ask me it can't be helped considering his father ; )
And he still doesn't learn his lessons the first time, or the second,.......or the third, maybe it has something to do with the stubbornness. Last night he was climbing Kati's stairs on her loft bed, now mind you he has been told numerous times he is going to fall, he fell hit his chin and hurt his mouth. He ended up with a bruise and was bleeding but did that stop him? Nooooo! Maybe I'm looking at this all wrong. Maybe my boy has perseverance, he is a "go-getter" none quitter. Nah, he is just stubborn.

Monday, August 28, 2006

BIG BIG Girl Bed

Saturday, August 26, 2006

It's gone!

Friday morning we went outside to play in the sprinkler. We walked outside and saw the best thing ever. The old drug house down the street was finally being torn down. I was so excited I hollered. For any non-southerners out there that means I yelled. Kati, like me, enjoyed watching all this very much. But not Bear. I literally had to drag him outside. I was shocked. What boy wouldn't want to watch a "doser" so close to his house. I took the kids down there later with a cool photo in mind and they even wouldn't sit on it.
He was not a happy little boy.

Their first real eating experience at Ton's

As you can see they like it. Their favorite part was the noodles and sausage. No, that's not true; their favorite part was the ice cream and fortune cookies at the end. Kati enjoyed watching the men cook our food until they cooked Jeffrey's and it flamed up. She refused to look after that.

Old pictures

This is us at Christmas before Jesse and John left.
Uncle John (on the right) is stationed in Germany for now.
Uncle Jesse is "looking for the bad guys" in Afghanistan. (That's what I tell Kati)
We are so proud of all our boys!

It's so hard to say good-bye

These are some pictures about a week before we all had to part. Mom and Dad are off to Mexico and the kids went back to Washington.

I had few group pictures to pick from and some were better than this one but I just loved the look on Kyle's face.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


My precious little boy. What can I say about him. He undeniable has the best laugh in the whole world. I believe God did that because he cried so much as a baby.
When we were pregnant with Kati I asked Jeffrey if he thought she would be a snuggly kind of kid. He said of course because we would be snuggly parents. Well that didn't ring true with my boy. As hard as I would try to get him to stay in my lap or give a hug he would push away. It broke my heart. That has all changed now and all it took was for him to get sick. Now it seems he wants to make up for lost time. No place is as good as mommies chest. He can't lay next to me, just on top of me, thumb in mouth. I hate to say it but I'm kind of glad he threw up that night.
He is my tender-hearted peace keeper. If Kati is in trouble he is devastated. And if he is in trouble with me he tries to lighten the mood. He will come over and jabber something to me in his baby talk and give a hesitant laugh. I can't stay mad at that face and he must know it. He wants no tension.
He is our clown. He loves to get a laugh. He learned early on to fill our home with laughter wither he was making it or not. He loves to hit his head on things and wait for our laughter.
What a blessing our little Bearjamin is. All of those long hard months were worth it.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Kati and her Grandpa

Every time Grandpa comes around Kati gives him the cold shoulder. Grandpa says Kati is just punishing him for leaving. Who know what goes on in that head of hers. Grandpa has learned to give Kati her space and come around on her own. You can see his method works. Kati loves Grandpa like nobodies business. I'm sure Grandpa would say the feeling is mutual.

Water Park

Kati and Brendon love this water park that I take them to. Kati likes it so much we are going to have her birthday party there.

When I go to heaven......

Kati asked today, "When I go to heaven can I take some books with me?"

Thursday, August 17, 2006

These are just some pictures I like. I don't really have a lot to say about them.

"Baby you can drive my car"
Why do kids do that with olives. Sliced or not, it doesn't matter.
Kati likes her broccoli
Bear with Uncle John. Aren't they handsome
This was taken at Aunt Judy's house. (Bug, Bear, Joanna, Jaime)
Kati lounging. Notice the apron, must have been a hard day of slaving over the stove.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Kati and Bear playing with some friends.

Kids are so great. They can make something out of nothing. This is a pic of them jumping into their "pool". There's nothing there but a driveway.
It's kind fuzzy and dark, but Josiah and Kati looked so happy.
Caleb gives Kati a ride.
The car must have run out of gas. "Filler' up" (shhh! don't tell the kids it's only rocks) :)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Brendon longs for the wind in his hair

As I have mentioned before Brendon loves Harley's. I guess it runs in the blood. This is a picture of Brendon and Uncle John on his Harley. Bubba was so nice and let Bear sit on it and play with any gadget he could find. When Kati came out to see it later Brendon ran to it and said "MY". Bear has been promised a ride with Uncle John someday when he gets a little bigger . I'm sure he longs for the day he gets to ride the motorcylce that makes such a beautiful sound.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Bear makes a new friend

This is Brendon with his Great Uncle Ray. Uncle Ray and Aunt Mona are making a move to Denver so as many of us that could got together before they left. Ray and Mona brought some old toys to give away before the left. Uncle Ray didn't know it but he was about to speak right to Bear's heart. Bear loves cars, trucks, especially Harley's, but really any kind of transportation. Ray tried to make friends but Brendon was going to have none of that. That is, until Uncle Ray pulled out two little cars. Ray had himself a new buddy. I wish I could spell car for you the way Bear says it. The best way to explain it is like Bear is from the Bronx. Ray let us take those cars home and Bear has loved them ever sense.

Friday, August 11, 2006

My little girl is gross

As we are driving down the road I look up to see Kati has her signature fingers in her mouth, as always while we drive, but she has added the occasional twist of the index finger up the nose. I let her know to take it out. I check the mirror again to see if she is complying and witness a horrifying sight......she has now eaten her booger. I ask "Did you just eat your booger?" She admits that she has. So being a good mother I inform her "that is gross, don't do that again". She comes back with "But I do have to eat it 'b-tause' it's good" GROSS So I'm calling on all family members to remember this story and a few others when she brings home a boy we don't approve of. Hopefully it will scare him off or at least make him think twice before kissing her.
  • While traveling through Target, Grandma G. notices something peculiar. Kati is taking her snack, raisins, and storing one between each toe before she eats them. She informs Grandma it's good.
  • While reading a book with Grandma G. Kati is going to town chewing on something. I ask what it is and she says cheese. Now I'm not in the habit of leaving cheese just lying around on my couch so Grandma takes it out of her mouth. It's a tiny little kid toe nail. Apparently it taste good, but I'm going to have to take her word on it.
  • And finally, this isn't gross just weird. Ladies, ya know how you line the potty seat in public restrooms? Well Kati does it after she uses the restroom and only at our house. And I promise I keep it clean.

Saturday, August 5, 2006


She's gonna be a star.

Friday, August 4, 2006

Princess Kati

Kati loves her dress up clothes. Thanks Uncle John and Aunt Gena.

Playing with some of our cousins

Brendon playing with cousin Kayla
Bear gets out for a break
Aren't they cute (Kati, Kayla, and Kyle)
Uncle Jared joins the fun
The two cutest guys in the world. Bear is trying to catch water in the cup.

This one just made me laugh.

Just havin' fun