Friday, August 11, 2006

My little girl is gross

As we are driving down the road I look up to see Kati has her signature fingers in her mouth, as always while we drive, but she has added the occasional twist of the index finger up the nose. I let her know to take it out. I check the mirror again to see if she is complying and witness a horrifying sight......she has now eaten her booger. I ask "Did you just eat your booger?" She admits that she has. So being a good mother I inform her "that is gross, don't do that again". She comes back with "But I do have to eat it 'b-tause' it's good" GROSS So I'm calling on all family members to remember this story and a few others when she brings home a boy we don't approve of. Hopefully it will scare him off or at least make him think twice before kissing her.
  • While traveling through Target, Grandma G. notices something peculiar. Kati is taking her snack, raisins, and storing one between each toe before she eats them. She informs Grandma it's good.
  • While reading a book with Grandma G. Kati is going to town chewing on something. I ask what it is and she says cheese. Now I'm not in the habit of leaving cheese just lying around on my couch so Grandma takes it out of her mouth. It's a tiny little kid toe nail. Apparently it taste good, but I'm going to have to take her word on it.
  • And finally, this isn't gross just weird. Ladies, ya know how you line the potty seat in public restrooms? Well Kati does it after she uses the restroom and only at our house. And I promise I keep it clean.

1 comment:

  1. Stacy

    You misspelled booger. Didn't you learn anything in school? As far as it being a date preventitive, it didn't keep you away from Jeff.

