Tuesday, August 22, 2006


My precious little boy. What can I say about him. He undeniable has the best laugh in the whole world. I believe God did that because he cried so much as a baby.
When we were pregnant with Kati I asked Jeffrey if he thought she would be a snuggly kind of kid. He said of course because we would be snuggly parents. Well that didn't ring true with my boy. As hard as I would try to get him to stay in my lap or give a hug he would push away. It broke my heart. That has all changed now and all it took was for him to get sick. Now it seems he wants to make up for lost time. No place is as good as mommies chest. He can't lay next to me, just on top of me, thumb in mouth. I hate to say it but I'm kind of glad he threw up that night.
He is my tender-hearted peace keeper. If Kati is in trouble he is devastated. And if he is in trouble with me he tries to lighten the mood. He will come over and jabber something to me in his baby talk and give a hesitant laugh. I can't stay mad at that face and he must know it. He wants no tension.
He is our clown. He loves to get a laugh. He learned early on to fill our home with laughter wither he was making it or not. He loves to hit his head on things and wait for our laughter.
What a blessing our little Bearjamin is. All of those long hard months were worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Look at that sweet baby...he is getting to big..L~ can never ever do that!!
